How Being Misunderstood Can Lead to Isolation in Troubled Teens

How Being Misunderstood Can Lead to Isolation in Troubled Teens 


C.A.R.E. is an array of licensed residential treatment centers providing therapeutic options for troubled teens. It is our mission to provide quality behavioral treatment and psychiatric therapy to troubled teens and their families in a manner consistent with the highest ethical levels of care. We offer a refuge for boys and girls who are experiencing behaviors associated with isolation. Our treatment planning assists students in helping them to deal with the emotional and psychological issues that can lead to isolating behaviors by developing healthy alternatives to tolerating emotional distress. 

As a parent, you probably know that your teenager can go through times of feeling that they are being misunderstood. Most often it is nothing to worry about, but in some cases, how being misunderstood can lead to isolation is an issue for some parents to be concerned about. Feeling misunderstood may actually be a sign of depression.

It is not likely that a few spells of feeling misunderstood means that your child is depressed. Because, as children approach puberty, they naturally begin to connect less with parents and and identify more with their peers. However, teenagers who are depressed often feel misunderstood by everyone, not just the parents. Some begin to keep their feelings to themselves. Unfortunately, persistent feelings of being misunderstood can lead a child to social isolation and withdraw from their family, which leads to additional feelings of loneliness, isolation and the behaviors associated with an increased risk for suicide.

Other Issues that Can Lead to Isolation in Troubled Teens

   Feeling depressed
   Fear of other people
   Negative self-Image
   Does not communicate well
   Lack of interest
   Feeling numb
   Impaired social skills
   Feeling alone

If your teenager’s negative feelings are temporary and explained logically, there may be no issue. However, if there seems to be no explanation for his/her persistent feelings of being misunderstood, it warrants further exploration. 

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