'Normal' Problems and Troubling Behavior in Troubled Teens

'Normal' Problems and Troubling Behavior in Troubled Teens 


C.A.R.E. is a unit of licensed residential treatment centers that offers programs for troubled teens who have 'normal' problems but are displaying troubling behavior and need treatment. At C.A.R.E., it is our mission and promise to make a real-life difference for our students and their families. Parents can trust that each child under our care will benefit from the individualized services offered in a safe, secure and loving environment. Our medical, clinical staff members and caregivers use their skills and experience to treat troubled teens who have behavioral issues and mood disorders

When it comes to teenagers, remember that they are puzzling and different, and they change as they grow and develop. The sweet child of yesterday may not be so sweet today. So, how does a parent determine if troubling behavior are bigger than “normal” problems? There are many issues on a checklist of bad teenage behavior that cannot be determined if it is “normal” teen behavior or something more serious. All of the behaviors that may signal problems may also be examples of normal teen behavior. If your child has made a suicide attempt or is using hard drugs, then it is vital to seek immediate assistance.

Emotional Parents May Consider Behaviors More Serious Than They Really Are

As for many other problems, if you are very worried, frustrated, angry, confused, or emotional in other ways, you may see behaviors as more extreme than they really are. In other words, are you overreacting and considering the behaviors as more serious than they are? In this case, it is important to look further for answers and to find out if others see changes in your child the same way as you do. Talk to someone who sees your child in action, preferably someone outside of your family, a teacher or a guidance counselor.

Just from the transition into adulthood, some troubled teens need help controlling their troubling behavior, even through “normal” problems. The best method of treatment for families of teenagers with these issues is a therapeutic program. Residential treatment centers use proven strategies such as evidence-based psychotherapy, parent support and education, and social-skills training which can strengthen families and help facilitate live-saving changes. These therapeutic programs operate with the goal of returning the child to his or her family and community with the least amount of stress and disruption possible and armed with the tools of success.


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