Adoption Issues in Troubled Teens from California | C.A.R.E.

Adoption Issues Troubled Teens California


C.A.R.E. is a unit of licensed residential treatment centers that offers programs to troubled teens living in California who have adoption issues. We specialize in helping boys and girls reach their full potential. A customized academic and therapeutic treatment plan is developed to address their specific needs. Our individualized approach is a primary reason our students make long-lasting changes in attitudes and behaviors. We focus on instilling self-worth in teens, a strong character, dreams and desire for a positive future, and the life skills necessary to become happy, healthy, successful adults. 


Many adopted kids seem to have more than their fair share of issues when they reach the early teen years. Just as self-awareness begins, adopted kids can begin to struggle with who they are. Feelings of abandonment by their birth mother can arise and add to an already emotionally charged teenager, increased by a search for belonging and validity in their life. Some can suddenly turn on the very family who adopted them, demonstrating an intense and shocking lack of appreciation and temporary hatred toward them.


Adopted Teens carry a lot of Emotional Baggage

Adopted teenagers often carry a lot of emotional baggage. Trying to figure out, “why did my birth mom give me up? Who am I? Was there something about me? Who do I look like? These questions can lead a teenager into a world of inappropriate behavior, even when they are being raised with a lot of love and support from their adoptive parents. Many times the adoptive family is a reminder to that child of what they have lost, what they miss and what they don’t have.

Residential treatment centers and therapeutic boarding schools help troubled teens who are experiencing issues with adoption and are sometimes the most effective treatments.
These programs are dedicated to helping students who are having problems in school, at home and within their own communities. They focus on educating students, while teaching them how to cope with emotional issues surrounding adoption. These specialized boarding schools help to unlock the success inside a problem child with quality education and therapeutic options.


At C.A.R.E., we can help troubled teens work through the difficulties of adoption and come out on the other side with the necessary tools to handle life’s challenges. 

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